Fellow Professional Photographers, are you struggling with Finding Sales Leads and Growing your business? Is your Marketing letting you down? Your ability to sell? Your website design and hosting? Branding? Pricing? I’m sure the list could go on. Welcome to Marketing for Photographers, the website that will help you run a successful photography business.
Marketing for Photographers is a huge topic, and to those of you who are struggling to grow your photography business, it can be very confusing about what to do, and most importantly what not to do! That’s where I come in – my name is Alan Hutchison and I want to teach you how to transform your photography business into a six-figure enterprise using the same powerful sales, marketing and SEO techniques that I used.
Whether you are just starting a photography business or you have been in business for years, Marketing for Photographers, is of course the key difference that can make or break a wedding photography or portrait photography business – get it wrong, and it doesn’t matter how good a photographer you are!
These are the three key business areas that are fundamental to running a photography business. Sales, Marketing and SEO. The Marketing for Photographers website will focus on these key areas and provide insight into other areas that can help your business grow as well.
Sadly running a photography business isn’t just about taking good photographs. In fact it is my belief that photography is only about 20% of the skills required to successfully run a business. You see I believe in the 80/20 rule – A successful business requires 80% of your time devoted to the business, and about 20% to photography.
Welcome to Marketing For Photographers a site that will give you that missing 80% and much much more…
The art of selling is fundamental to the success of your business. You can be the best photographer in the world, but if you can't sell, you will get nowhere. At marketing for photographers we strip back the basic fundamentals of Sales Training and show you how easy it really is.
Marketing your photography business is an absolute minefield. First you have to identify your target audience, then fix your branding and then where do you advertise? We step you through the whole process so that you will never waste a single cent on marketing again.
Search Engine Optimisation is the Holy Grail that alludes most photographers. How do we get all this free traffic to our website from the mighty Google? As a recognised industry expert in SEO I'll show you exactly what you need to do - and the best part? It's not really that difficult.
How can I help you ?
In just two short years I built up my Photography Business into a six figure enterprise that transformed my life.
Now retired from Wedding Photography, I am free to teach you the simple Sales and Marketing techniques that I used to achieve a six figure income from my business.
Welcome to Marketing for Photographers – I hope you enjoy it!
Training – The key to your Photography success
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